Member-only story
Why You Should Talk About Equality Before You Say ‘I do’
By Irena Ioannou — GAZE
A simple Google search for the term ‘family values’ can be startling proof of the resistance women still face today in achieving gender equality. The internet is full of articles both in religious organizations and on popular websites, written by influential men, suggesting that the family’s greatest threat today comes from feminists. The word “feminism” is often treated with contempt in an apparent effort to decouple women from feminists, implicitly suggesting that feminists are a distinct group of activists with a bad influence on the rest of women.
This small but influential group of powerful men turns to populism to attract a bigger audience. They purport feminists are man haters. They claim that they, themselves, support gender equality of course, but there always comes a large BUT after their declaration. They speak of the natural order of things. They suggest that equal rights have been accomplished for both sexes, so what’s the reason for the existence of feminists?
They contradict themselves. They remember God and holy scripts. They try to divide and conquer.
Finger-pointing and victimization is not a new strategy: men have been using it from the start of time to avoid all responsibility and keep the status quo. Whenever a problem arises…